We have all sinned, these " criminals " are exposed. You can choose to go to their church or not. What about the criminals in EVERY church that's not exposed. You serve next to every week. What if.. your crimes were exposed.

Any 1 of you w/o sin cast the stones. If they have a man of God who is being called to minister to them & their families, you will be found against God's will. If God's calling it, it will happen. Sounds like their is bitterness from unforgiveness. There is no one so lost, no sin so great that's unforgivable except blasphemy. Leaders watch their fruit, if thr fruit is rotten... drop them. But give them a chance to assemble

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Laying out facts does not constitute casting stones, respectfully.

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You are the devil himself.

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Jennifer and Amy, thank you for this difficult and well researched article. Thank you for keeping us informed. My family has been members of Reformed Presbyterian churches across the country and this hurts my heart so much. I seem to be seeking the Comforter and His fruits more and more these days. I pray His wisdom for these elders, and grace and peace for y’all.

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Thank you Suzanne! Yes, we really need Jesus to come back.

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